Too many people spend money they earned to buy things they don’t want, to impress people that they don’t like.—Will Rogers.
there! Finally, 2017 has already arrived and because today is still the 7th
day of 2017, I think it should be the perfect time to throw you with common
question about: how was your 2016?
I didn’t write too much about my ups and downs of 2016 in harian iseng because… I do not know. I just posted three blogposts until
end-year which can be said that I wrote nothing in 2016. Well, there is
something wrong with me, no doubt at all.
I said hundreds time before, blogging always be my favourite thing because in here,
I’m able to tell you about anything, as well cherish every moments, too. Yet,
today, with the result of my disappointing-productivity over 2016, again, I
need to slap myself back with: do you
really call yourself a ‘blogger’?
why, to cut my unproductivity off, in this beautiful morning, I am so eager to
tell you about my personal project. Yes!