Sometimes it Feels

Sabtu, November 01, 2014

Photo Credit: here

Sometimes it feels like we are not meant to be together. Sometimes it feels like your right place is on the umpteenth-mountain-you-already-climb, sipped a cup of tea or some coffee, and sharing cold smile with someone else, instead of arguing with me about the best burger in town.

Sometimes it scares me if ‘the day’ arrives and our time is up and you are no longer with me. Sometimes it scares me if ‘the day’ comes and there are no more us and I just crushed my heart into pieces when I woke up, again. Sometimes it scares me if ‘the day’ scolds at me, gently, reminds me that you are not mine anymore.

Sometimes it feels like that should not be you, the person I can talk with for hours about how my day turns to blue lately, or about every single part of my favorite movie, or about different things. Sometimes it feels like you are not the right person whom I can laugh with when we saw Andovi’s video randomly like we used to.

Sometimes it feels like you are not trying as well as I did. Sometimes it feels like you let me to fight for us, alone. Sometimes it feels like you are not the person I used to know, and I constantly scold at you to keep on being the old you, instead of trying my best to understand and accept the new you. Sometimes it feels like you are the most selfish man in the whole universe and me, only the tiniest part of your unimportant stuff.

Sometimes it feels like I am not sure that you are the best man I am going to marry with, the right man I am going to spend my life with, the only one I am going to grow old with. Sometimes life full of uncertainty, and so did my heart.

Sometimes it feels like you never convince me about your feelings, about yourself as mine, about us.
Sometimes it feels like I am not the one for you.
Sometimes it feels like you are going to lose me, soon.
And I am going to hurt myself, again.

Yogyakarta, 31 Oktober 2014
‘kalau dia di Jogja, aku yakin kamu akan terlalu sibuk mencerewetiku, kapanpun.’
maka, aku akan meminta terbaik untuk kita—aku dan kamu, pun dia.

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  1. sometimes you feel lonely, because no one cares with you.
    yah, terkadang hidup itu nggak semulus apa yang kita fikirkan sih. percaya aja, kalo semua ini memang yang terbaik dariNya. yang mungki, saat ini, diri kita belom bisa menerima semua itu dengan lapang dada.

    1. nope. ngga berpikir berlebihan kok. kadang-kadang apa yang ada cuma butuh dikeluarkan aja, sedikit-sedikit hehehe.

  2. Hahaha, kadang-kadang gue harus butuh waktu lama baca yg pake bahasa ginian. Lu harus yakin, bahwa gak semua yang terbaik buat lu itu selalu ditunjukkan Tuhan, banyak banget pasangan yang bahagia dari awal kisah yg sama kek lu. Kuncinya jgn samakan cerita cinta kita seperti FTV, karena itu hanya fiktif belaka.

    1. Hehehe at least berhasil memecahkan artinya, kan? Iya, udah sensei banget nih Pangeran Wortel yang ini.

    2. Hehehe at least berhasil memecahkan artinya, kan? Iya, udah sensei banget nih Pangeran Wortel yang ini.

  3. sometimes i feel .... bingung untuk mengomentari tulisan yang bagus seperti ini, walau gue engga sepenuhnya mengerti tapi gue mau bilang ini penuh penghayatan :'D

  4. Alhamdulillah masih ngerti 40%lah artinya,,,:3

  5. And sometimes, questions are more important than answers =)

  6. Mata mendadak @@ pas liat bahasa inggris hhe

    Padahal tulisannya pendek, tapi berhubung bacanya subuh2, jadi berasa ngebaca kitab sansakerta, berat banget hhe

    1. hehehe yaudah kalo udah siang dibaca ulang ya.

  7. bener-bener,... ingin belajar bahasa inggris... kapan ya saya bisa nulis bahasa inggris kayak kak Asma ini?? salut deh..

    1. seperti saya yang salut baca postingan bahasa Arabnya Mas Makruf hehehe

  8. aduh full english
    mudah2an gw gak salah ngartiin. ini maksudnya masih enggak yakin sama pasangan ya?

  9. Anjir, keren, bisa nulis post dengan Bahasa Inggris. Jujur, gue baca ini translate dulu di google. Walaupun translate-nya suka ngaco. Wkwk. :D

    Kalimatnya artinya keren-keren. Bacanya gue jadi gimana gitu.. :')

    1. hmm ini antara google translate yang ngaco atau emang bahasa Inggrisku yang masih payah ya hahaha.

  10. "Sometimes life full of uncertainty, and so did my heart"
    it'ts so true for me :))

  11. Kadang- kadang lo juga harus buat pembaca ngerti sama apa yang lo tulis. Gue orang yang gak begitu paham bahasa inggris, translate ini di gugel juga berantakan. Makanya komen gue gak jelas. Fiuh

    1. hehehe bahwasanya masih banyak postingan lain yang lebih jelas dari ini (atau sama-sama ngga jelas, ya?).


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