Special-Post for the Special
Sabtu, Juli 21, 2012
Halo semuanyaaaaa (๑'⌣'๑) How's life?
Okey, akan saya peringatkan yah, postingan kali ini akan sangat membosankan, sangat kekanakkan, terlalu bertele-tele, alay version dan super-duper-puper tidak penting, at all! believe me! Jadi hal terbaik yang bisa kalian lakukan saat ini adalah berhenti membaca, close tab-nya sekarang juga, dan cari blog lain buat di stalker-in :p Hahaha.
Ah ya, ada hal tambahan yang sebaiknya anda ketahui bahwa saya tidak berniat dan tidak berminat untuk membuat postingan ini, jadi maaf saja kalau ini amat sangat tidak ada hubungannya dengan anda :p. Okay. Jadi kejadian bermula waktu saya sedang online facebook dan lupa chatnya on, dan ketauan deh jadinya -_- Hahaha.
Benarkan? Tidak ada niat sedikitpun saya buat postingan ini, saya saja ngetiknya sambil merem loh <-- bohong. Tapi yaaa, karena ini adalah salah satu permintaan dari makhluk gendut menyebalkan yang paling saya sayang, hahaha!, apa boleh buat deh :p
Naaah, ngga tau kenapa yah, saya tidak mau menyia-nyiakan kesempatan emas ini, kalian tahu kan, kesempatan emas itu cuma datang sekali dalam seumur hidup, makanya saya akan buat postingan ini, yah, kayak kesempatan dalam kesempitan gitu deh kalo boleh dibilang yaa #kode Hahaha. Oh iya, buat yang gendut di sana, jangan nangis waktu baca postingan ini yaa :D
( it was appear suddenly in my mind, just right now :p )
1. The first thing I want to have in this year is a click-to-open tupperware with a baby Winnie the Pooh on it. That is a cuuuuuuute one, and I really really want to put it in my bag and bring it to go to my school! I saw that in Lovely Shop come with IDR 37,500. Cheap, sayang? isn't it? :p
2. A JUMBOOO Panda Doll. I love it at the first time I saw her. It is a kind of tender doll (red : empuk), bungg bungg bungg, so I can I don't miss you anymore after I get this doll. Yeah, as big as you, as fat as you, and as tender as you hehehe.
The price I think around IDR 80,000 or 100,000. You know, a right price for the cutest doll on the block :p Hahahaha
3. A pink Crocs Sandal. Eh, actually I don't wanna this as much. I only like imagine it will be nice in my feet. Hahaha. Okey, just skip this one.
could be the happiest time in my life when I ride that fixie around my village.
Everybody have this kind of bike in their home. So why I can't also have this
in my home? Can you buy it for me, please? I force you :p Cost, err, I dunno :p
5. A telesope! It is a tool that make us easier to see everything in the sky which so high. I ever use it in Summer Camp last year, AND I WANT ONEEEE.. Amazing! Fabulous! And another super phrase again for the feeling like that! Emm, I promise I will take one star for you after I sight seeing in the sky! :)
I have a bad feeling with this one, so i don't tell ya the price, okey?
6. All of new book in this storeeeeee. You HAVE TO buy for me one by one until my bookshelf full of book which you give it to me Hahaha. Understand? One by One! I really appreciate that :p
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7. Or the last, I can make it simple. Youuu~ Maybe we can spend the day together, just sit side by side in silence. Engg, no no, I don't want my special time with you run out with no conversation :p
We can chatting, about the rain, about the season, about Math, about the girls next next next tour class, about when will you do when i break your glasses, I still curious, of course :p hehehe, or about us :) Laughing all the day until I got a stomachache, watching a cartoon movie, we haven't seen Despicable Me, yet. Remember the title! Despicable Me. Hahaha.
Yeah, just stay with me, doing unimportant thing together, and I would never stop my smile, ever :)
Bagaimana? Puas dengan permintaan anda kali ini, Mr. Fatty Smurf? Jangan terlalu banyak permintaan, nanti pusing sendiri loh wakaka :D. Udah yaaaa, saya bahkan sudah mencoba membuat sesuatu untuk anda, yeah, yang penting bukan sesuatu yang bisa dimakan deh, saya masih bisa ngabulin :p hehehe.
I smurf youuu ❤
ahahah aapaan .
BalasHapushehe namanya aja iseng :D
HapusHello, there! Welcome to harianiseng. Have you travel around here a lot, and get lost? Make sure to pay a visit later! Love.