My Mommy
Sabtu, Mei 04, 2013
if someone ask, who is the greatest Mom, I would easily asnwer, Umi, my Mom.
if there is held race to choose the best Mom, my Mom absolutely will become the winner. At least, she is becoming the winner for me ;and also my sister and brother ♥
A couple months ago, —which feel like much much months ago actually, I’ve ever promise to post one
painting of my great Mom’s that I drew for her birthday in the past January, remember? Okey, okey,
even today stilll in the beginning of May, ha
ha ha, I think there are no problems would appear if I post the picture this
morning. No doubt, May, month full of surprises; graduation, farewell party,
the feeling of the first day entering the university, become new fresh college
student. Also, I will surprising you by how dilligent I am posting something
(only) in (the beginning of) May. Hahaha :D
BalasHapuskirain di gubel2 pake kain putih -_-
ih ya bukan -__-
HapusGak bisa bahasa Inggris, ya udah gini aja komennya. :|
BalasHapusTapi kayaknya Ibunya ulang tahun, ya gak? hehe
Selamat ulang tahun buat Uminyaa. :3
nah itu ngerti kan, tebak2 buah manggis ya haha :D
Hapusiyaaa maciw :3
selamat ulang tahun untuk ibunya
BalasHapushehe iya terima kasih :D
Hapusnice share, klaw boleh saran sich mbak mending pasang widget catatan dihapus ajch semakin lama kanda akan semakin banyak dan otomatis akan semakin panjang bentuk templatenya mbak, seklai lagi maaf yach.
BalasHapusoh iya sih tapi sebetulnya memudahkan kalau mau buka postingan yang lain hehe.
Hapusanyway makasih sarannya ya :)
kirain mumi, ternyata umi -_-
BalasHapusTapi Ibu memang segalanya buat kita, jangan pernah ngelupain jasa-jasanya saat ngerawat kita..
waduh salah arti ya aku ngasih judulnya haha
Hapusiya. ibuku nomor satu makanya huehe
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