#Day 11: Stop Read This

Selasa, Desember 10, 2013

Hello, there!

Huaaah, finally the 11th day is coming and… huft, is it okay if I don’t feel so ashamed because there are so many rotten day have been left without any posting? Hahaha I do really sorry then.

Okey. Before I start to babbling and its getting bored, I would like to warn you that there will be many hot picture of mine of food which I used to find them so hard in… google hehehe. I know they are so gorgeous even only a tiny part in your refrigerator or maybe your stomach. And stop read this if you are on your diet program because it’s so dangerous. Hahaha. I’ve told you, guys!

Let’s start the first tortuuuuure!

Actually I always breakfast with my Mom’s since I was a baby, maybe. Sometimes if she has so many tasks to do, she will buy some meal for us —me, my lil sister, my lil brother and Dad, in the food store near our home. But causing by these three months I’ve to move to Yogyakarta, I can’t eat them as often as I want. So yeah, I have to find food for myself. And you know I’m too lazy to crawl from my nest out that’s why I can count by my finger how many days in a week I have my breakfast. Hahaha.

Luckily, there are many colleges that selling food in campus, so I could buy some to survive even the price so heck hahaha. And my favorite meal for my breakfast now is…. macaroni schotel!!
Macaroni Schotel | Photo Credit: google

Why is it so delicious and I can’t stand for it? Huaah, maybe that’s because who cook it. The cooker chef is Ipeh’s Mom (one of my friend which so cute) and I think she cooked it with love. The macaroni so sooooft, the eggs are well-mixed, they roasted them in perfect time and perfect temperature and so yeah, finally I can eat this macaroni schotel with maknyuuuuus and you only pay for it Rp 2500,-

My favorite food for lunch are sayur buncis and sop ayam especially made by Mbak Mar. I loved when she cooks my special sayur buncis with a tiny slices. No reason for but I like. Ah, the slices are like the picture below. And you are not allowed to mix my sayur buncis with any groceries, but tempe or carrot are okay, remember no groceries at all.

Buncissss.. | Photo Credit: ibudananak

Then my sop ayam must having bunch of chicken wing then the vegetables anyway hahaha no only joking :p

Chicken Soup. | Photo Credit: freshfoods

To be honest, every time I enjoy them I feel like the greediest person in the whole universe. Hahaha. How ——— I am.


No special menu for dinner, but can I go dinner with you? Okey, you can choose menu as you wish and and and and I will only staring at you along the dinner. And I’m going to be full. So yeah, I’m having a sleep tight tonight. How baby? How? Hahaha. 

Romantic dinner. | Photo Credit: Weheartit

Maybe it was a blessing for other girls if you can’t get fat in your tummy even you always take a lot of snacks in a day with no exercise. But for me, I feel like somebody has been cursed on me in this awkward situation. It’s sooooo hard to gain my weight and you know what, Mom Erna (one of my best English teacher) ever told me that I look like a skeleton in muscle. Huft. Do I look so skinny? -______- Haha for defense, I’m slim :))))

And my favorite snack is… still oreo. It is a kind of biscuit that before you eat, the things you do are spin it, lick it, and dyed. Hahaha. This is some picture I got having some oreo combine with delicious food.


Double chocolate cookie bars | Photo Credit: @foodpict

Heavenly oreo dessert | Photo Credit: @foodpict

Oreo shake | Photo Credit: @foodpict

Oreo cookie and chocolate ice cream | Photo Credit: @foodpict

And this for bonuuuuuuuus.

Big Timmy Challenge | Photo Credit: @foodpict

Hahaha this is mine. So, where's yours? :)))

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  1. Postingannya full bahasa inggris, jadi rada ribet juga bacanya, haha.
    siang-siang dikasih picture makanan malah jadi laper gini. apalagi kalo lagi bosen, emang bener paling pas buat ngemil coklat mah. :D

  2. Kyaaa amaaak ada namaku di hari ke sebelas jadi terharu :'3 Jadi kamu termasuk pelanggan setiaku? Makaciw banget yaaaa :****

  3. maaaannnn, i love the dessert~~ pengen! saya suka banget es krim campur oreo!! kopi campur oreo, jus campur oreo~ waww~~ but i never see dessert like that

    kalo ada waktu main di blog ku juga yah

    1. Saya juga sukaaaaaaaaaaa. Iya soalnya itu kan inovasi terbaru dan patut dicoba hehe.

  4. aduh kok gue mual yah bacanya, mabok english. mahahah. tapi ngerti laah, sangat ngerti. double choco cookie bar nya ituu bikin ngiler euy

    1. Mual atau mengerti atau ngiler? Jadi... yang mana, Bang kiting?

  5. gyaaa langsung sadar kalo diri sendiri butuh perbaikan gizi. lama gak makan enak wkwk

  6. Bikin ngiler... yakin... hadeuh....

  7. ternyata seleramu selera hight class ya.. wuih...
    kamu bikin orang kelaparan saja... macaroni schotel kesukaan ku, termasuk cokelat dan roti..
    bertahan dengan macaroni schotel saat ngengampus..

    1. Hahaha apaan Mas high class :3
      Iya memang sengaja banget bikin pada ngiler lalala~

  8. ini kenapa yang berbau chocolate jadi serasa ingin menjilatnya -___-

  9. agak kaget ya pertama kali berkunjung kesini disuguhi bahasa inggris n post tentang makanan. kan jadi melting ni liur *elap mulut --
    salam kenal mba :)

    1. Hahaha kena boom ya. Iya halo salam kenal :)

  10. duuhh mendadak laper baca postingannya....maklum y anak kost suka males buat sarapan, aku jg gitu, tapi hati2 kena magh

    1. Kalau laper segerakan tidur ya, Mbak. Hehehe siap ingat selalu =)

  11. aduh dek, bener bener salah tengah malam mampir ke postingan yang ini. lapeeerrr

    1. Hahaha lain kali penuhi persediaan logistik, Mbak.


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