#Day 12: This Old Moment
Rabu, Desember 25, 2013![]() |
Konnichiwa! | Photo Credit : tumblr |
Since I was a cute girl —I am a gorgeous girl now hahaha— there is
one cartoon which I used to watch every 08.00 Sunday morning in RCTI. Ah, I
know you have already known what did I mean before I start to babbling, right?
Okey. It is Doraemon. Hahaha. And I just wondering, maybe we have
the same common thing about Doraemon. So, do you always watch the Doraemon series
in TV with a-just-woke-up-face look? Do you always watch the Doraemon series in
TV and have no take a bath yet? But if you had take a bath, the thing you do
just lying in front of the TV with a lazy appearance, don’t you? Do you always
punch your mom if she is watching the TV but the Doraemon series are going to
start soon? Do your answer are almost yes? Woooo.. it is so similar with me.
As you know, I have been watching Doraemon series since I was a kindergarten
child or maybe in the early year of elementary school. I have never miss it
even there were any event I have to attend, but yeah, I always do. Up to the
present. Yes, I am a big fan of Doraemon series.
It was too funny to remember about the past when I imagine have a
cat-robot like Doraemon. I used to role like Nobita, came home with tears as
result being teased by Giant and Suneo, then Doraemon calm me down with his
mouth full of Dorayaki. Told me to stop
crying, everything will be okay. Then he put something out from his pocket.
And no sense thing could happen.
Hahaha and you know the opening song..
ingin begini.. Aku ingin begitu
ini ingin itu..Banyak sekali..
semua semuaa.
dikabulkan dengan kantong ajaib
That make me think that being Nobita looks so wonderful. Which he
has a lot of desire and by the help of Doraemon’s magic pocket his desire could
come true just in a blink of my eye. Woaaah.. Who doesn’t want to be Nobita? In
case, he has bestfriend with magic-pocket named Doraemon. Because, sometimes I
have a random thought that Nobita without Doraemon is nothing. Yeah, as similar
as me. Me without you, nothing. Huehehe
gombal :p
The Doraemon’s magic tool which I want to have ‘till I’m gonna die
is the Pintu Kemana Saja. What’s in
English, btw? Door-to-everywhere maybe? Hahaha so silly. By this door I can
gooooo to everywhere I want just in a second. Without any charge. Without any
reduction in money. Without the bad feeling if there are no vehicles or traffic
jam. Woaaah.. It’s gonna be so nice! I’m also curious with the time-machine. If
Doraemon permits me to use that kind of tool, the first thing I do is peek the
future mine. I just wondering what will I be at that time. What kind of job I’ll
have. Whether I’ve married or no. Hahaha. Something cute happen in the future
maybe. Nobody knows.
Oh yeah, this movie teaches us that every kind of thing which is
easily obtained, initially has many advantageous but it is going to be bad at
the end. Just like Nobita who always gets fun in the beginning as Doraemon
grants his wish, but because of his carelessness, the bad luck would walk
behind him. It will be different if we have tried as much as possible then the
result won’t much different from what we want. We will more appreciated what we
struggle for, what we dream for..
So, let's waiting for the next Sunday so we can enjoy the Doraemon series together! Hahaha.
Ma ♥
Btw, I used to call my Mom as Doraemon. Why? Because of her
ability knowing anything I’m asking for. Really. I mean anything. For example
when I looking for a scissor around the house and I can’t find it for a long
time, I’ll ask my Mom where it is. And she just pointed any place and yeaaah..
there the scissor is. Wohoooo.. it could be a miracle have a Mom like her.
I watch Doraemon after a jogging on Sunday morning, and of course after cooking. Huh? Cooking? Cook a meal? Yes, like a picket duty every sunday. Yap. Just like you, I also want pintu kemana saja.
BalasHapusReally? Woooh I always think that it is so cool if a man can cook hahaha. Yes, everybody want it maybe.
Hapusciyee amak :3 aku juga suka nonton doraemon, sampe punya dvdnya yang sekarang sudah hilang entah kemana hiks :"
BalasHapusWaaah segitunya. Aku sudah cukup puas nonton serinya setiap Minggu, Peh.
Hapusahh. gak apa apa kan kalau gua skip baca?
BalasHapustapi gua nangkap intinya kok. kalau lo bersyukur punya mama yang hebat. setiap ibu emang hebat. ini dalam rangka hari ibu kmrn ya?
Hehehe ini sebetulnya cerita Doraemon, sih. Tapi terimakasih sudah menampakkan hidung di sini yaaaa :))
HapusYeah....I like Doraemon too.
Hapussemoga dapat terkabul
BalasHapusnicepost , , :D
BalasHapussurely i like doraemon, since i was child. The Imagination off the Doraemon creator is very awesome. Because Doraemon can provide any magic tools to solved anything Nobita's problem. But acctually there are many lesson that we can take through this cartoon movies, "we have to do everything by our self to make us stronger or smartter without help help from other" thanks this very interesting blog.. till know i like doraemon.. aahhh baling-baling bambu.. :D
BalasHapusSince a child? So.. how old are you now? Huehehe sorry just kidding. Ah also don't be a lazy student like Nobita, you won't get success easily.
HapusKeren banget. Bahasa inggrisnya juga asik. Ajarin gue dong, Mantep nih. Heuheu. :D
BalasHapusHehehe ini masih belajar kok. Belajar sama-sama aja.
HapusKeren deh posting bahasa inggris gini, salut. :)
BalasHapusHehehe masih belajar kok.
HapusDoraemon is one of the most legendary cartoon. I watched it since before i in kindergarten school (what year is it? emm maybe at 1996 or 1997), and till now, 2013 (in a moment will change to 2014), Doraemon still broadcasted on TV. People who ahve already been mature from my era (90-ers) still love it. Also children in this era (in the new millenium). Wow. Amazing~
BalasHapus(bleh belepotan english gue haha)
sampe-sampe stasiun TV ybs ga bakal berani masang acara ganggu jadwal tayang doraemon. That's really really something.
Hahaha iyaaaa. Emang beneran mendarah daging banget sama anak-anak zaman itu ya. Dan serinya bahkan ngga habis-habis biarpun udah diputer selama bertahun-tahun. Belum pernah ada pengulangan pula. How cool.
HapusOh iyaaa barusan sadar hahaha
Doraemon? kalo aku lebih suka sama shincan sih :D tapi sama loh kadang aku juga pengen punya pintu ke mana saja, dan yeahh sekarang seandainya itu beneran ada pasti ga usah repot2 kost ._.
BalasHapusSinchan lucu tapi dia semacam punya pikiran kelewat dewasa, Mbak. Oh iya bener ya. Ngga usah merantau gini. Duh.
Hapussaya jg suka bgt sama Doraemon. watching Doraemon makes me happy :))
BalasHapusMe too =))
Hapushaha door-to-everywhere.. my number 1 wish list.. If Indomaret sell Doraemon, I will buy it..
BalasHapusHahaha what if they sell him with fantastic price.
Hapus"Youjigen Pocket" or "Fourth Dimensional Pocket"... but "magic pocket" is fine, it's sounds simple and short anyway hahaha
BalasHapusand "Dokodemo Door" or "Anywhere Door" in English
oh, and did you know there will be Doraemon Movie called "Stand By Me" airing at August 2014?
you shouldn't miss it since they said it's based on the story where Doraemon must leave Nobita for some reason I couldn't remember from the manga
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