Screwed Up

Sabtu, April 11, 2015


Actually, I don’t really know the best reason to be given to you as if you asked me why I write this post. To be underlined, in case you sudden ask me why. You know—or probably you don’t really care about—that you have never asked me the typical question which every blogger in this whole world want to hear. You know the question of ‘why you suddenly write this on your post? I do really know it is about me’ or perhaps just give me a smile on your face as ‘thank you for writing about me on your very last post.’

Have you? No.

Well, I am not going to complain about your too-cold stuff yet I don’t really need any of appreciated on my writings. As you know—or probably you don’t even care—that I wrote all of them with a bunch of my heart spoil into the each words, so that I do really fine. I just thinking that probably I am into you too much that make me know you better than anyone else.

I typed the whole world here with your lovely smile suddenly appear on my no-more-available-space-to-think-unnecessary mind as it has been a long time since our last appointment. How is your life? I bet it is greater than mine—as flat as I love. Where are you at the moment? Have you ever thought about me as I did?

You know that it does not matter if you cannot miss me anymore since—I do really understand—you are too busy with your own stuff. I still remember about your very last word yesterday on the day we met that there were so many stuff you need to handle. Stupid me, the only thing I can do was only gave you a smirk with no word came out.

It does not matter at all—you know, at all—if you forget to reply my text sometimes, or even ignore my messages I gave to you here and there. I think the only thing I need to know is that you are fine—wherever you are, you have a good time—whatsoever with you. I know that sometimes I used to be that annoying yet you still being the sweet you.

I write this on the middle of the night where the heavy rains starts to sing a rainy song on the balcony. They are such a good friend of mine, on whatsoever condition. So yeah, just like you are, they are a good partner to talk with.

Ah, you know, you don’t have to be jealous. At least, we ever have the mutual feeling on each other, strong enough to be called as love.

Yogyakarta, 10 April 2015
Hello. I hope you still remember with me—the girl who disappears for a while to make the things on the right place.

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  1. Hmm kayaknya aku mesti makan kamus dulu biar paham apa yang dimaksud disini. Banyak kata yang nggak aku tau artinya.

    Aku cuma nangkep "kenapa kok nulis ini" Terus aku juga nangkep kenapa mesti cemburu, kan sudah nggak ada rasa cinta lagi. Udah segitu aja yg aku paham

    1. Kak Asma aku udah komen lho ya diatas..

  2. Memangnya selama ini apa yang salah, Maaaa? *enggak peka*

  3. Subhannallah keren banget isinya, keren (sok-sok bilang keren, padahal karena gak tau artinya ) #miris. Bisa kali ntar ajari aku bahasa inggris biar bisa fasih juga nulis ddi blog pakai bahasa inggri, biar keren. Biar disangka yang punya blog orang bule padahal cuman seekor orang utan

  4. Follow me to read this more n more..

  5. engingeng.... saya harus menggunakan google translete untuk bewe di sini hahaha.
    sepertinya ini postingan tentang gagal move on. semoga kamu yang hilang akan kembali bersamah waktu dan hal yang tepat.

  6. Sometimes, a man need more and much time for himself and his world. And we are woman, just need his time for small talking. So simple yes?
    No matter how much woman busy, when her man call him, women will hang up very fast. No matter how much woman angry with her man, if man apologize, we will forgive him.

    Woman should be strong, not for her man, but also for herselft.
    and the end. I ever in your posisition now. Just be strong, doing many things without him. If he really your man, he will come back to you. :)

  7. Hiaaaat. Maafkan aku yang tidak paham dengan tulisan ini. Nilai bahasa Inggrisku remedial.
    Maafkan aku Mbaaak.. Huwaaaaah. T_T

  8. I feel you, Ma. Kita sebagai kaum hawa emang beda sama cowok. If they got their problem, mereka akan merenung dengan waktu tertentu. Bahkan pesan pesan yang kita kirim pun just read doang. Bete? Iya. Kesel? Banget. Tapi sebagaimana mereka ngertiin kita kalo lagi ngambek, kita juga harus ngertiin mereka kalo lagi gak mood. Cowok selalu butuh waktu buat nenangin diri kalo lagi ada masalah. Beda kayak cewek yang pengin beres saat itu juga.

    Ah, semoga dia cepet kembali ya. Kamu pun jangan ngilang lama-lama. Nanti dia kangen :)

  9. ciaaaaaatttt.. gak ngerti apa yang di bahas T_T. Tapi bahasa inggrisnya mantap abis :D.

  10. curhat kah? Saya dari kecil sampai sekarang masih kurang suka sama pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Tapi saya akan tetap berusaha belajar. Karena tidak ada yang tidak mungkin, apapun bisa terjadi, tergantung kemauan yang kuat. Ini sepertinya tentang curhat, dan lagi sedih, atau bagaimana? Saya nggak paham :(

  11. kayaknya lo jago banget yaa bhs inggrisnya, tapi sayang gue bacanya sambil buka translate dulu hehe, gapapa kan yaa.

    jadi intinya ini postingan lo tulis di tengah malam ketika hujan turun kemudian disaat itu lo lagi merindukan seorang cowok yang jauh disana yaa? percaya aja, kalo sama-sama cinta nggak akan bakal kemana kok. semoga dia masih tetep ingat yaa sama lo dan semoga dia bisa cepet balik ke pelabuhan hatinya.


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