About Bookworm, Winna and Stuffs

Minggu, Januari 19, 2014

Let's doing them (again), Ma! | Photo Credit: here

Just called me a bookworm as I used to have much time to read piles of books. I used to do that because…ouch, I was kidnapped by three hell aliens which threw me away from the earth and threaten me not to read some kind of books again. So what can I do to rescue myself like no one can but obey they command?

Grroaarr..Tons of sorry causing by that lame excuse, I know. Did I perfectly-success make myself look so stupid? Hahaha.

Okay. The thing is that I accidentally forget when did the last time I put a book on before I go to bed. No, no, I’m not that kind of people who are going to exaggerate about this stuff but read a book should be my daily life since I was young (doesn’t mean I’m too old now, of course not. hehehe).

Since I’m not that kind of busy—except busy thinking of you, it needs to be questioned why I become extremely-lazy to read lately. This whole months (added with December last year), I turn into someone that is very highly irritated with books. Idk exactly what the nice term for this case, so what if I mentioned it with someone-whose-busy-doing- her-life-and-getting-bored-for-a-while-with-piles-of-books? Oh, another annoying long wooooord. I think I get into frustrating woman area as I write this. Huftt.
I don’t know why but I feel that I was out of tract and gonna lose my own self. This is sort of disaster when I bet the effect of my laziness will come over in any minute. I could mention: lack of science, shortage of information, oh, the worst is it will be occur soon that my life would full of stupidity without any prevention. Oh for the God’s sake I’m gonna wrecked!

So, this is me in this 2014 resolution: Stop doing lame thing in my spare time, such as online for hours, doing silly thing in timeline. Okey, Asma! Let’s challenging yourself with this: Read much books as you can in this entire year!

Then I did my annual activity in goodreads which is update my reading challenge for 2014. 

kowe pancen cupu, Mak! | Photo credit: mine.

What a cupu person when I only dare take 35 books for this year, apparently any people out of here take more than 50s. Uhuk. That’s okay, baby. Goodreads said that it was a good starting point (okay, I can accept your condolence, goodreads!). And I think it was a rapid progress since last year I only took 20 books.  Hahaha. I just calming myself (again).

Another resolution so far: Learn how to make a good review about something. Books you have read. Movie you have watched. Stuff you have used.

And the nearest event that related with my resolution is: Winna Efendi’s Book Reading Challenge 2014 by Kak Luckty Giyan Sukarno. How cool your name, Kak! Hehehe.

here it is.. | Photo Credit: Kak Luckty

My duty now is to collect Winna Efendi’s entire book, re-read them with bunch of attention and make a review of what I’ve read. Oh, maybe I’ll post them in harian iseng. Wohooo.. my first review then. Don’t be that worry because I’ll post it in bahasa :))

Luckily, I am one of the Winnadict (designation of Kak Winna’s fans) and am the big one. Hehehe. You have to know, the first book that I read is Refrain, and instantly-perfectly-madly made me fall in love with Winna Efendi. I like how she arranging word into a good paragraph to read, and how smart she does. Oh, you have to read one of them then fall in love with her. Hahaha.

So I already have hmm.. more than half of her books. Here is the list:

Ai— mine
Refrain— mine
Remember When— mine
Unforgettable— mine
Truth or Dare— mine
Melbourne: Rewind— mine
The Journey— have read it via online hehehe
Glam Girls: Unbelievable— have read it via online too
Draft 1: Taktik Menulis Fiksi Pertamamu— not yet

Hemm.. which book I should re-read first? What do you think, guys?


Ma. ♡♡

This is the first week of my holiday in this semester. Still nothing has to do but write some unfinished stuff. Hehehe. You know, I’ll surprise you by how diligent I am post something here. Have a nice day, you! 

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  1. Yeay, akhirnya ikutan juga nih!! Happy Reading and Success for Reading Challenge, Sist ^^

  2. aku baru baca dan punya refrain doang. tahun lalu kayaknya aku juga cuma ngabisin beberapa buku doang. hehe

    1. Sini sini aku pinjemin boleh, Kak. Uh tahun ini targetku lebih banyak dan harus berhasil.

  3. Yay, senangnya nambah teman baca bareng lagi, tetap semangat yaaa... ;)

  4. I do have bestfriends. They called cat and book.
    35. Jadi inget target tahun kemarin.

    1. If mine bookworm, maybe yours bookcat. hehehe.
      Ah aku tersaingi.

  5. Yay. Harus semakin banyak nambah referensi. Dan, ditunggu review untuk apapun itu-nya. :D

  6. Wow Mantap,,. baanner kamuudah aku pasang,,. Dipasang balik ya punya :)

  7. Perasaan udah pernah naruh komentar di sini. Tapi sepertinya hilang.
    Iya, bacaan emang makanan empuk buat blogger, atau penulis kayak situ kak. DItunggu review-reviewnya yak!

    1. Hehehe iya itu di atas udah ada. Belum aku accept soalnya hehe maaf yaa.
      Ah, bacaan itu keharusan buat semua orang kok :))

  8. Wow, semoga resolusinya tercapai buat bacaan buku barunya :D

    1. Ah sedih ngga jadi punya bukunya bang dege ._.

  9. mbak, kalo tiap buka blogmu i berat :(
    bagus sih, nglarisin google translate juga :D
    inspirasi buat nulis blog pake bahasa inggris nih

    1. Eh yapo? Internetmu lelet kali hehe bercanda :p
      Hehehe ngga semua post sok nginggris kok.

  10. Iyees sama dengan Marriska, artikel Asma english bikin pusing 7 keliling buat dapet maksudnya hahha.. btw, Cica juga punya Refrain loh :)

    1. Hahaha kan ngga semuanya sok keminggris, Cak. Oh, terus lanjutin baca semuanya.

  11. Kunjungan pertama, salam kenal mbak........
    *benggong liat blog yang keren banged

  12. akhirnya aku bisa coment jugaaaa :D *garuk2 lantai* this is my first coment heheee

    1. Agak oot sih sebetulnya haha tapi selamat datang :))

  13. *kunjungan perdana kayaknya* salam kenal
    Wahhh postnya pakai bahasa Inggris. Panggil google translate dulu ah


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