Sometimes it feels like we are meant to be
together. Sometimes it feels like there are only both of us, against the world,
having each other, sipped a glass of chocolate classic together, argue about
typical-girl-I-have-to-have, talk for hours about everything.
Sometimes it feels like you are the right
one whom I spill that three-letter-word, I
love you, I miss you, I need you, then you made me feel so loved by keep
staring at me, gently. Sometimes it feels like you are made for me as I feel so
complete when you are around, when you held mine in yours as we walked.
Sometimes it feels like I have
a-teddy-bear-instead-of-human-being as you allow me to sob on your chest when
the things are going worst, you let me to be sad and cry and scolded every
single things, without interrupt me with any ‘what-happen-to-you’ word.
Sometimes it feels like you are the one who has the right hug than anyone else.