Sometimes it Feels (2)

Selasa, Februari 17, 2015

Sometimes it feels like we are meant to be together. Sometimes it feels like there are only both of us, against the world, having each other, sipped a glass of chocolate classic together, argue about typical-girl-I-have-to-have, talk for hours about everything.

Sometimes it feels like you are the right one whom I spill that three-letter-word, I love you, I miss you, I need you, then you made me feel so loved by keep staring at me, gently. Sometimes it feels like you are made for me as I feel so complete when you are around, when you held mine in yours as we walked.

Sometimes it feels like I have a-teddy-bear-instead-of-human-being as you allow me to sob on your chest when the things are going worst, you let me to be sad and cry and scolded every single things, without interrupt me with any ‘what-happen-to-you’ word. Sometimes it feels like you are the one who has the right hug than anyone else.

Sometimes it feels like you are the only one whom I am going to spend my live with, the only person whom I am going to give my first smile every morning, the only man whom I am going to share coffee with while there are raining cats-and-dogs outside. Sometimes it feels like there are no one can calm me down easily, but you instead.  

Sometimes it feels like you are all about my favorite things in life; it feels like you are my favorite book’s chapter which I keep re-reading it; it feels like you are my first sentence that I type to start my writing session—you know, it is always so hard to start writing without any trigger, right?; it feels like you are my warm-milk-tea on my migraine; it feels like you are a book sale on the end of the year—that should be many inexpensive books out there.

Sometimes it feels like you are all about my right things in life; you may be my lost rhyme on my song; you may be my last chapter of the happy-ending-story I am planning to; you may be my umbrella for my summer; you may be my lost memory about happiness.

Sometimes it feels like I will always try to make you to be the worth part of my life, be ever.

Yogyakarta, Februari 2015
‘thank you, for being everything of mine’

you may love this one too: Sometimes it Feels.

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  1. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with melancholy when I read your blog, yes, sometimes when I read something like this =)

    1. Hehehe i think i just added too much love into this one, Koh.

  2. sajak berima sometimes, suka deh

  3. Rada butuh waktu untuk ngerti tulisan beginian. Gue emang ngerasa lemah, lunglai dan letih, kala membaca pemberhentian koma dan titik yang rapih.

    Sungguh beruntung pria yang sedang engkau ukir sikap dan tanggapan dirimu terhadapnya.

    Pangeran paling bisa ngomong keren banget sekarang. Selain itu pasrah. Karena emang tulisannya bagus. :)

    1. Well, well, well, santai saja, Pangeran. Sini mampir minum teh dulu.

  4. Karena gue rada-rada di bahasa inggris, jadi gue nggak mengerti semua tentang tulisan ini, tapi yang penting gue ngerti intinya :D.
    Tulisannya bagus banget, uhh.. ahh... ohh.. kereen !

  5. Butuh waktu aja lama terjemahin semua artinya
    tp menurt saya ini sangat bagus

  6. Baru tahu ada label gadis dan prianya.
    Semoga dia juga ngerasa gitu ya. Dan gue baru tahu lho kalo cewek lagi sedih nggak suka ditanya 'kenapa'. Cukup diemin aja ya. :)

    1. Iya, udah lama itu adanya hehehe.
      Halah gegayaan udah ngga jomlo sih sekarang :p

  7. Aiih sori bahasa Inggris ane jelek banget jadi harus Google translate dulu baru bisa ngerti -,-
    Jujur ane kurang bisa ngenikmatin setiap katanya karna kebodohan ane yang terkendala bahasa T.T
    Tapi yang jelas ane bisa ngerasain gimana bahagianya orang yang bikin tulisan ini, memiliki orang yang setiap saat slalu ada & selalu mampu menerjemahkan apa yang diungkapkan oleh hati orang yang dicintainya :)

    1. Maafin ane, Gan TT
      Eh, sebetulnya ngga sebahagia itu sih waktu nulisnya, eh, lupa ding perasaan macam apa yang dirasa waktu nulis ini hahaha.

  8. gw butuh google translate buat ngerti apa yang lo tulis.
    kadang kebahagiaan terasa lebih ketika ada seseorang sebagai tempat berbagi

    1. "Kadang kebahagiaan terasa lebih ketika ada seseorang sebagai tempat berbagi." (Om Yandhi, 2015). As well as kesedihan, Om!

  9. Sometime I can't understood the meaning of text when I read once, my be twice, ore many time.. Hahahaha

    Is it wishful thinking or is already happening?

    1. So, you have to read kinda hundreds time then you need to keep it in your heart. Why not both? \m/

  10. Dan untuk membaca postingan ini, gue harus buka google translate dulu. Ya, walaupun di sana aga amburadul pengartiannya. Hahahahah, tapi gue selalu suka dengan tulisan yang singkat tapi bermakna ini. :)

    1. TT
      kapan2 bikin pake google translete aja biar artinya ngga berubah deh.

  11. Sometime, I don't know all of this story. Hahahaha

  12. ahhh I fall for your words just Like what I want for someone out there since I havent found the right one but I will mellow and sweeeeeet. Love it <3

    1. Tunggu sebentar lagi, Kak. Dia. Akan. Datang. engg ingg engg.

  13. Sometimes you just need to be alone.. :3

    1. Hahah.. Tapi sendirian itu justru banyak enaknya koook :D

  14. sometimes aku bingung menerjemahkannya, somehow bagaimana artinya, somewhere - grab the opportunity to make it happen, so not just think sometimes,somehow and somewhere...good luck...cheers...

  15. sometimes saya merasa sedih.. :( hihihi

  16. O_O These words hit me right in the head..

  17. duh bingung mau komen apa ya, ga ngerti tulisannya :D
    yang penting bisa komen disini deh hihihi

  18. Amaaa aku cuma mau mampir doang sebentar liat-liat siapa tahu nemu jodoh disini. Terus mau meninggalkan jejak aepatu incess yaaa ahahah find me prince at


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