Receh untuk Buku 2015

Jumat, Februari 13, 2015

Too many people spend money they earned to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.
—Will Rogers.

Once, I was crawling on my nest and did a very-merry-yuppy-really unimportant stuff that day. Well, you know, like check my friends’ instagram for nothing but only fulfill my curiosity about them. Okay. Before you guys suggest me to stop that no-benefits-at-all-instead-of-wasting-your-time activity, I have already blame myself, so, yeah, I promise everything gonna be okay. Hehehe.

Another mine self-defense is because that day was holiday so… to be honest there was nothing to do. Well, it seems like I really really have to look after any job to spend on.

Ouch, even I have not already found any new-useful job, I did this unimportant stuff again by telling you my worst habit which has nothing to do. Hm. Sorry.

So the thing I’m gonna tell you is that day when I did nothing on holiday, one of my blogger’s friend, Cica, mention me on facebook, told about there was a new “Receh untuk Buku” again this year. And so, yeah, without thinking twice I said to myself: ‘yes, you have to enroll again this year, Ma’, and here I am writing about this event.

If you haven’t heard about this before, with the compliments of mine I suggest you to just read this one: my one-year-ago posting because I am not in a good mood right now to tell you this. Well, don’t mean it guys I’m kidding :p

Okay. As its name, “Receh untuk Buku” is kinds of presentiment which invite us to save our money, especially your small change or let me called as receh, for one year, then at the end of year we use the money we get to buy some books. You get it, guys?

The rule of this project is only you have to collect your receh for one year. But it is okay if you start on February 13th because nothing can stop you to do the right things, don’t you? Hehehe. Another self-defense of mine.

The second rule you are not allowed to count your saving money until the 2015 year is over. Actually I broke this rule last year because, you know, as a college student who is far from her mother, sometimes my pocket money is gone before the D-day. So, I use those receh for meal. Hehehe.

Then, after the year is over you may buy some books for yourself or make it as present to others.

For this year, I decide to divide the bottle (yes, I use bottle as piggy bank) into four based on the nominal. So there are bottle for 100s, 200s, 500s, and 1000s. Why? Well, for me count the mix up money is so difficult and confusing and tiring and bla-bla-bla.

Also this year I am planning to wait for any end-of-year book fair so I could buy more books than usual. Oh. If only I don’t (finally) tempted by those black-sweet-memorable shirt on Zalora to spend on. What a difficult choice to choose!

So, do you want to join me for Receh untuk Buku 2015?
Yogyakarta, February 13th 2015

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  1. Memang bener si terkadang orng suka menghabiskan uang untuk barang yang mereka tidak ingin.
    Saya juga perna si hehe
    Tp itu dulu

    1. Well, do you just read the quotes but mine? Hehehe.

  2. Yap, I know this one. Hahaha. But, Im not going to talk about that. ;;)

    Ketika membaca proyek ini, langsung teringat sitkom "Tetangga Masa Gitu" yang baru aja kemarin saya tonton, Ma. Si Bintang mengumpulkan receh yang tertinggal dari kantong celana Bastian dalam setahun. Hasilpun yang tadinya cuma seberapa, jadi terlihat begitu berharga. Iya, lah, hasilnya udah bisa digunakan untuk membeli playstation. Huehehe.

    1. Ah. Kok Bang Mamat semacam paham ini posting apa ya. Hahaha. Well, ya sedikit2 lama2 jadi bukit.

  3. Proyek ini emang keren menurut gue. Soalnya mengajarkan kita hal baik. Menghemat dan belajar manabung.

    Tapi keknya asma emang sering khilaf. "Pangeran juga, gitu." :D

    Kadang udah ditabung. Eh, uang udah habis. Terpakasa deh, nelen uang tabungan. :D

    Semoga sukses menabungnya. :)

    1. Heheeh iya sering khilaf tapi tahun ini engga deh. *pasang ikat kepala*

  4. Amm. uuh.. I realize.. something.. that... Though I rarely read your posts which especially written in Bahasa, I very-merry-yuppy-really am able to know that those are yours! Haha. And, the cutest thing is, even this one was written in antah-berantah language, I can still recognize this belongs to you! How cool I am.... hm.... how cool you do.

    There's one thing I'm gonna ask you in the entire words of this posts, do we have to write such this one to join in the Receh Untuk Buku 2015? And do we have to confidently tell a friend to join in this event too? Hehehe. Hope I will get my comment replied (because i dont know, it just seems so difficult to get any comment replied here :P hehe)

    And i really love your idea to grouping the coin!

    1. Eh, did you just make an honest confession, Dek? Yet even it seems so pretty ridiculous because you know my written havent upgrade as well but thank you! You make me fly into the highest sky~ /apasih./

      Oh iya. I forgot to tell that you have to (and need to) make a post about Receh untuk Buku project so that you can spread this information to any one. Well, here I am typing the reply for you hehehe agak nyindir nih ya :p

  5. Hmm, sepele memang tapi kalo dilakuin bisa berguna besar..

    Postingannya bahasa inggris,, gue gaguk bahasa ini :D


  6. Aku nggak bisa nangkap apa makna seutuhnya dari bacaan ini *bilang aja nggak bisa bahasa inggris

    Intinya tentang nabung uang receh buat beli buku kan? Kalau nabung uang receh aku sejak dari tahun lalu tapi pas mau dipakai rasanya sayang..
    Salam kenal ya^^

    1. Iya hehehe. Wah, kalo aku malah semangat banget pakenya, tapi sayang jarang ada warung yang mau tukar receh.

  7. halooo :D
    aku malah senang menghabiskan uang bukan buat dipamerin ya, alhamdulillah bukan termasuk "too many people" itu hihihi. aku cuma abisin uang buat keinginan dann kebutuhan aja :p

    btw aku juga suka kumpulin recehan dan setahun sekali aku bongkar buat beli make up baru #ups hahaha :p
    mau belaja di Zalora yah hahaha bisa cek kesini dulu kalau berkenan :3

    1. Halo! Well, dont be that typical girl who waste the money then hehehe.
      Hm, actually this kind of hm hm post but yeah thank you for the suggestion, Kak!

  8. Proyeknya bagus ya.. Boleh dicoba.. Mungkin nanti hasilnya memang benar-benar bermanfaat.. Huehehe. Kan, lumayan juga.. ^^

  9. semoga program receh untuk buku nya bisa berjalan lancar ya :D

  10. Gue udah dari lama tapi bukan buat buku juga sih. Gak tahu hobi aja nyimpen receh di botol. ._.
    Dan, ih asma jago banget sih nyempilin zaloranya. Ajarin aku dong. \:3/

    1. Well, tetep aja ketahuan Bang Cibo, mana ada jagonya ._

  11. waaah, it sounds totally interesting!! I want to join as well but Im not sure I can succeed it. I've already had those kind of bottles but at the end of the month I always spend it for buying ice cream or snack or meal, just like you hehehe..hope we can buy so many books and read all of them this year :3

    1. Hehehe actually last year when i used the money for meal, i wrote them as my loan for this project but yeah as the end of year i forgot how much money ive used for :p
      Iya. Semangat Kak Ike!

  12. I can't keep my promise.. :(

    1. Well, you can still keep Mas Febri's love. /kaboooor./

  13. Wow, i wanna join with this project again. In 2015 not yet have a celengan and i must buy it before i starting to create a article about "Receh untuk Buku 2015" and submit my link hihi :):p thankyou for remind me, pal!

    1. Halah. You dont have to buy any new celengan as well i use the bottle for, Ca. Cemuut btw!

  14. wah idenya bagus juga ya bisa ditiru ini
    berarti bisa buat beli buku sendiri juga ya gak harus dikasih ke orang lain
    aku kira dikumpulin semua yang ikut proyek jadi satu hehe
    salam kenal

  15. Wih, project yang keren!
    Meski agak lama buat membacanya karena gue nggak jago bahasa Inggris. Nggak taunya ini posting-an berbayar dari Zlr, ya? :p

    Gue juga lumayan sering ngumpulin receh-receh kembalian dari minimarket. Biasanya kalo udah kekumpul sebulan gue pake uangnya. Tapi nggak buat buku. :( Mungkin bulan depan bisa diimplementasikan. Halah.

  16. Ide dan project yang keren dan wajib ditiru. Apalagi di Jogja sering ada pameran buku2. :)

    Terima kasih untuk artikelnya. Salam kenal.

    Silahkan dapatkan buku2 terbaru terbitan tahun 2015. Dan dapatkan diskonnya.

    Silahkan kunjungi balik dan tinggalkan jejak alias komentar.

    -Hon Book Store-


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