Minggu, November 20, 2016


I used to believe that the right thing I could ever receive is having someone who is with me; being here, being there.
Having someone who is with you means you can run to him whenever the thing goes wrong. You are able to talk about everything, anytime you like, with him, side by side—about the favorite blogger and poems you love the most, about the unwritten stories you would like to share, or about the good things you did. You can hold his hands seeking for comfort, or see his smile over the rearview mirror on a night-out date, or smell the familiar scent of him you have known by heart.

It would be an antidote for me—whenever routines hatched a breakdown on me: sip a cup of chocolate classic with none other but him.

Yet, at this point, I do believe that the best compliment I could ever receive is having someone who never leaves me.

Having someone who never leaves means he will always inside of you as you are alone and need a friend. He is inside you heart wherever you go for a new milestone, to reach another dreams of you. He will always be the first person you think when the love-song of both of you being played on the bookstore. Simply, he is still with you even though he might not able for being here with you at the same time, due to the distance.

He is there to answer your phone, as quick as he can, whenever you ask for suggestion which title is the best for your thesis, either to recall who said ‘I love you’ first, back then. He is there, on instagram, trying to cheer you up with cheesy paragraph and lovely photos, to make you remember—and also overwhelming with love, that you have him even though he is far from you. He is here, but at the same time, he is not.

I might never say a word about how happy I am to know that the two of you belong to each other. But, here I am, confess that I might be the biggest fans of two of you, your sweet relationship to envelope the distance.

I feel like the urge to say that I adore the two of you: on how you can appreciate a little time on your routine to make time for each other, on how you look so happy and grateful on each other’s presence, on how you can embrace the distance as a good friend, on how strong your relationship is, on how you can complete each other’s flaws and imperfection, on how you can stand still and hold to each other this way far.

I might never understand, how wicked the distance is for the two of you, yet I do believe that both of you are able to grow up into the best-version-of together, that the two of you deserve to be together. As well, I do believe that happily ever after would become your ending.

Because of the two of you, today I believe that it does not really matter whether he is being here or not. It is more important to be grateful by his presence on my life, to know that I have the one who never leaves.


Hello, guys. It’s been a while since my last post on… last year! Hehehe. Anyone miss me and harian iseng? Well, I know that I am not a good blogger, no excuse, but yeah. At first, it seems like I want to take a little break from blogging-life, yet it has gone too far. So, till we meet again on the next blogpost!

This post actually dedicated to Bapak and Mbak, as present for their 2nd anniversary (the best present, I think! :p). Since they are LDR couple, I would like to dedicate this blogpost too to another LDR-couple in this whole universe. So, if you have ever experience it too, come share with us on the comment bellow. Cheers.

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  1. I have google translate in a sort of two lovers who are separated by distance and time. Iyaa ....... like that ......... but love is not the time and distance. if yes love love

    sok inggris saya.....hahahaha

    1. Hahaha sering main sini ya, Dek, nanti tiba2 jago, lho! *sok banget*

  2. Sampai hampir lupa loh kapan aku terakhir kemari haha. Balik-balik ngeblog bikin postingan yang romantis gini. pake bahasa inggris pula hehe. Semoga bisa menjalani blogging-life dengan konsisten seperti dulu yaa.

    Sepertinya sedikit aku nangkap dari cerita diatas itu tentang butuh sesosok lelaki yang bsia dijadikan sandaran gitu yaa. Yan gbisa sekedar diajak curhat, ngobrol santai dan sebagainya.Apalagi sebagai pelaku-pelaku LDR, pasti butuh banget itu yang namanya pendamping untuk mengobati rindu.

    1. Halo! Sudah lama banget menghilang nih. Insyaallah ya hehehe.

      Iya, tapi sebetulnya ngga harus laki-laki, kok dari sudut pandang lainnya. Selama seseorang itu jadi orang yang ngga pernah meninggalkan :)

  3. Be patient ! One day you will be happy with him. I believe that, if you never give up God will give happiness. ( Modal dari Kampoeng Ingrris tahun lalu )

    Aingg macan wkwk !

    Kayaknya baru pertama kali kesini deh, dan gue kaget banget ni orang inggris beneran apa orang Indonesia yang nyasar ke Inggris ? hohoho

    1. Wah, mantap alumni Pare hahaha.
      Halo. Ini orang Indo tulen hahaha besok2 main sini lagi.

  4. Welcome back.. 😁
    Semangat buat kembali ngeblog..
    Punya seseorang yg selalu ada disisi kita itu memang rasanya spesial banget.. Dia selalu menemani disaat kita tertawa maupun menangis..

    1. Hehehe. Makasih Kak Ginty :))
      Iyaaaa. Thats the point!

  5. Kak Ya Allah aku kira hp aku erroe kok keluarnya bahas Inggris ternyata emang pake Inggris ya? Aku shock loh :(

    Bahasa inggris aku jelek banget, aku ngertinya cuma dikit dan pastinya ini tulisannya bagus, ai laf banget dahhh <3

  6. kaget isinya full english, bacanya pelan pelan banget jadinya xD

    paling suka kalimat ini sih "on how you can appreciate a little time on your routine to make time for each other, on how you look so happy and grateful on each other’s presence"

    kalo LDR emang waktu itu jadi yang paling berharga. :')

  7. Welcome back.
    Salam kenal juga Ashima, thanks udah mampir di postingan receh ku. aku juga baru pertama kesini nih.
    Semoga makin rajin nulis di blog ya kita. :)
    oiya, boleh panggil apa aja yang penting jangan panggil tante! :D

    1. Halo, Kakak Wien aja deh. Iyaaaa *mengumpulkan semangat*

  8. Awalnya mau komen "who is he", tapi semakin scroll down, semakin tahu "he" yang kamu maksud, wkwk

    1. Wait. Ini soalnya ada dua 'he' dengan dua orang yang berbeda i.

  9. Yeeeiii selamat datang lagi di dunia blogging moga konsisten dan menginspirasi.

    Btw aku pernah LDR
    Gak enak bgt fiyuuuh

    1. Doakan Kak Memei! Hehehe.
      Nah lho tenan to.

  10. Akhirnya ngeblog lagi yaa setelah lama gak ngeblog. Yuk lah dilanjutin ngeblognya!! :)

    Wah LDR ya? Sama kayak gue hehe. Kunci dari LDR sih kalo menurut gue yaa komunikasi aja yang baik dan saling percaya satu sama lain.

    Gue gak tau kenapa, baca post ini tuh kayaknya gimana gitu post-nya. Romantis gitu, deh. Keren keren! :)

    1. Shaaap.

      Wehehehe kan ada taburan bebungaan dari hati. Idih.

  11. Huaahhaaa welcome back mba :)

    seperti biasa ku butuh bantuan google translate untuk mengerti :D

    btw, mba tetep romantis

    1. Its been a while since i saw you here, Dek!


Hello, there! Welcome to harianiseng. Have you travel around here a lot, and get lost? Make sure to pay a visit later! Love.

