#Day 15: No Sense Superhero

Sabtu, Februari 01, 2014

Batman doesn’t have any superpowers. He’s not superhuman. He’s not super. So therefore he can’t be a superhero.
Craig Silvey, Jasper Jones

Got a cape. Wear. Fly. | Photo Credit: tumblr.

The great story of superhero didn’t enliven my childhood yet, like any other little kid did. When that little kid could believe in a 50-foot gorilla trashing the city then a guy who put a tights on over so-firm-sexy-pelukable body (Ha ha ha!), wears a cape in public which flapping in the breeze, and another no sense scene like they could fly without wings! Go and fight crime like they always win, I can’t believe in them, even slightly impressed.

I know it just waste my time thinking of why Superman really could fly, did he really come from what-so-called planet and make him lose his gravity force? Also random question that why he used to wear underpants in the outside of his tights. Hehehe. How can Spiderman expel any spider web through his palm, did he produce any glue over his body which made him stick on the wall? And the answer is so obvious: they are not real.

But for me, the most acceptable superhero in this real word so far is Batman. He couldn’t fly without his gadgets, like is it called as a rope? He chase criminal by car and yeah, you know, he is so damn-freaking-rich person. Ah, though I have to ask him: how could you run your business in the day and fight for crime in the night?

Okay, this time, I’ve make a long confession for myself such as what superhero I want to be.

I don’t like flying with my cape, so I don’t want to be Superman or any other flying-superhero. I hate spider, so Spiderman isn’t the answer. I am being irritate by the cat’s fur so big no for the catwoman, also batwoman because they wear so mini-sexy-cute costume. Perhaps being one of The Incredible family? I don’t think so.

I just stare at my awful-bed which hasn’t tidy up yet. My bookshelf in mess by piles of book here and there. Un-ironed clothes around the cupboard. And on and on. Then realize that my room often in this so-messy-like-smashed-ship situation. Oh, I wish I were a diligent person who can easily tidy up those stuffs in the place, but no. Hehehe. So, let me imagine if I were became a tidy-up superhero.

First: If I were a tidy-up Superhero, my bedroom will always in normal condition.
Normal here means that there will be no plates-after-had-dinner in the bed, plastic of food wrapper scattered around the room, and another criteria for messy room.

Second: If I were a tidy-up Superhero, I could tidy up my bed just in a blink of my eye.
It means that I wouldn’t take a long time to do that like usual. You have to know that my laziness of tidy up my room comes out by the time taken is longer than the time I make them mess. I always think that what the goal I’m doing this, though after I finish tidy it up, I’m going to make it mess again?

Third: If I were a tidy-up Superhero, I wouldn’t be afraid make a mess of my room again. Because as I told you before, I could tidy it up just in a blink of my eye.

Fourth: If I were a tidy-up Superhero, I will always wish that my superpower would never disappear without any reason. This superpower will accompany me forever until the rest of my life. Hahaha.

By the way, I just wonder why superhero always conceal his identity? Anyone?



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  1. Hahaha. Gue juga ngga tahu kenapa, mungkin biar ngga ribet dan kalo pacaran nanti pacarnya ngga cemburuan. Eh, tapi Iron Man engga dirahasia-in kok. :p
    Kalo gue, malah ngga begitu suka Super Hero (dalam kasus di film ya). Lebih suka yang mukul musuhnya beneran kayak orang-orang di The Expendables gitu. Hehehe.

    1. Kok Bang Keribo tau sih? Jangan bilang superhero juga ya, jadi keriboting-man! Wohooy..
      Iya samaaa yess.

  2. Kak Asma, ini masih projek #TantanganNgeblog30Hari itu ya? Oke, semangat setengahnya lagi ^^

    1. Iya hehe biarpun udah lewat deadline (banget) tapi masih harus diselesaikan dong.

  3. kayak aku , ngapain diberesin, kalo entar juga berantakan lagi .___.

    mungkin mereka nggak mengungkapkan identitas mereka soalnya biar nggak ditangkep polisi, kan tiap berantem sama penjahat, mesti ngerusak banyak fasilitas umum (.__. )

    1. Iya bener banget, paling enak emang kamar berantakan terus kamarnya otomatis rapi sendiri ya.
      hengg jadi mereka gitu ya.


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